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Complete vs Consistent - What's the difference?

complete | consistent |

As a verb complete

is .

As an adjective consistent is

of a regularly occurring, dependable nature.

As a noun consistent is

(in the plural|rare) objects or facts that are coexistent, or in agreement with one another.



Alternative forms

* compleat (archaic)


  • To finish; to make done; to reach the end.
  • He completed the assignment on time.
  • To make whole or entire.
  • The last chapter completes the book nicely.

    Usage notes

    * This is a catenative verb that takes the gerund (-ing) . See


    * accomplish * finish


  • With all parts included; with nothing missing; full.
  • * {{quote-magazine, year=2012, month=March-April
  • , author= , title=Well-connected Brains , volume=100, issue=2, page=171 , magazine=(American Scientist) citation , passage=Creating a complete map of the human connectome would therefore be a monumental milestone but not the end of the journey to understanding how our brains work.}}
  • Finished; ended; concluded; completed.
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=5 , passage=In the eyes of Mr. Farquhar Fenelon Cooke the apotheosis of the Celebrity was complete . The people of Asquith were not only willing to attend the house-warming, but had been worked up to the pitch of eagerness. The Celebrity as a matter of course was master of ceremonies.}}
  • (Generic intensifier).
  • (analysis, Of a metric space) in which every Cauchy sequence converges.
  • (algebra, Of a lattice) in which every set with a lower bound has a greatest lower bound.
  • (math, Of a category) in which all small limits exist.
  • (logic, of a proof system of a formal system)   With respect to a given semantics, that any well-formed formula which is (semantically) valid must also be provable.Sainsbury, Mark [2001] Logical Forms : An Introduction to Philosophical Logic . Blackwell Publishing, Hong Kong (2010), p. 358.
  • * Gödel's first incompleteness theorem showed that Principia'' could not be both consistent and complete. According to the theorem, for every sufficiently powerful logical system (such as ''Principia''), there exists a statement ''G'' that essentially reads, "The statement ''G'' cannot be proved." Such a statement is a sort of Catch-22: if ''G'' is provable, then it is false, and the system is therefore inconsistent; and if ''G is not provable, then it is true, and the system is therefore incomplete.(w)
  • Synonyms

    * (with everything included) entire, total * (finished) done


    * incomplete

    Derived terms

    * bicomplete * cocomplete * completeness * completist * completely * completion



    * 1000 English basic words ----





    (en adjective)
  • Of a regularly occurring, dependable nature.
  • The consistent use of Chinglish in China can be very annoying, apart from some initial amusement.
    He is very consistent in his political choices: economy good or bad, he always votes Labour!
  • Compatible, accordant.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2012-01
  • , author=Steven Sloman , title=The Battle Between Intuition and Deliberation , volume=100, issue=1, page=74 , magazine= citation , passage=Libertarian paternalism is the view that, because the way options are presented to citizens affects what they choose, society should present options in a way that “nudges” our intuitive selves to make choices that are more consistent with what our more deliberative selves would have chosen if they were in control.}}
  • (logic) Of a set of statements, such that no contradiction logically follows from them.
  • Antonyms

    * inconsistent * contradictory


    (en noun)
  • (in the plural, rare) Objects or facts that are coexistent, or in agreement with one another.
  • * 1662 Thomas Salusbury, Galileo's Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Dialogue 2):
  • The Diurnal motion of the primum mobile, is it not from East to West? And the annual motion of the Sun through the Ecliptick, is it not on the contrary from West to East? How then can you make these motions being conferred on the Earth ... to become consistents ?
  • In the history of the Eastern Orthodox Church, a kind of penitent who was allowed to assist at prayers, but could not be admitted to receive the holy sacrament.
  • * 1885 Catholic Dictionary 651
  • The consistentes stand together with the faithful, and do not go out with the catechumens.


    * * Catholic Dictionary (1885) * Ephraim Chambers, Cyclopaedia - Supplement (1753) ----