What's the difference between
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Exasperated vs Exacerbate - What's the difference?

exasperated | exacerbate |

As verbs the difference between exasperated and exacerbate

is that exasperated is (exasperate) while exacerbate is to make worse (pain, anger, etc); aggravate.

As an adjective exasperated

is greatly annoyed; made furious.

Exacerbate vs Post - What's the difference?

exacerbate | post |

As a verb exacerbate

is to make worse (pain, anger, etc); aggravate.

As a noun post is

post, mail.

Exacerbate vs Get - What's the difference?

exacerbate | get |

As verbs the difference between exacerbate and get

is that exacerbate is to make worse (pain, anger, etc); aggravate while get is (label) to obtain; to acquire.

As a noun get is

offspring or get can be (british|regional) a git or get can be (judaism) a jewish writ of divorce.

Equivocate vs Exacerbate - What's the difference?

equivocate | exacerbate |

In lang=en terms the difference between equivocate and exacerbate

is that equivocate is to use words of equivocal or doubtful signification; to express one's opinions in terms which admit of different senses, with intent to deceive; to use ambiguous expressions with a view to mislead; as, to equivocate is the work of duplicity while exacerbate is to make worse (pain, anger, etc); aggravate.

As verbs the difference between equivocate and exacerbate

is that equivocate is to use words of equivocal or doubtful signification; to express one's opinions in terms which admit of different senses, with intent to deceive; to use ambiguous expressions with a view to mislead; as, to equivocate is the work of duplicity while exacerbate is to make worse (pain, anger, etc); aggravate.

Exacerbate vs Precipitate - What's the difference?

exacerbate | precipitate |

In lang=en terms the difference between exacerbate and precipitate

is that exacerbate is to make worse (pain, anger, etc); aggravate while precipitate is to cause (water in the air) to condense or fall to the ground.

As verbs the difference between exacerbate and precipitate

is that exacerbate is to make worse (pain, anger, etc); aggravate while precipitate is to make something happen suddenly and quickly; hasten.

As a noun precipitate is

a product resulting from a process, event, or course of action.

As an adjective precipitate is

headlong; falling steeply or vertically.

Phlegmatic vs Exacerbate - What's the difference?

phlegmatic | exacerbate |

As an adjective phlegmatic

is not easily excited to action or passion; calm; sluggish.

As a noun phlegmatic

is one who has a phlegmatic disposition.

As a verb exacerbate is

to make worse (pain, anger, etc); aggravate.

Reinforce vs Exacerbate - What's the difference?

reinforce | exacerbate |

In lang=en terms the difference between reinforce and exacerbate

is that reinforce is to encourage a behavior or idea through repeated stimulus while exacerbate is to make worse (pain, anger, etc); aggravate.

As verbs the difference between reinforce and exacerbate

is that reinforce is (senseid)to strengthen, especially by addition or augmentation while exacerbate is to make worse (pain, anger, etc); aggravate.

Enrage vs Exacerbate - What's the difference?

enrage | exacerbate |

As verbs the difference between enrage and exacerbate

is that enrage is while exacerbate is to make worse (pain, anger, etc); aggravate.

As an adjective enrage

is furious, enraged, incensed.

Exacerbate vs X - What's the difference?

exacerbate | x |

As a verb exacerbate

is to make worse (pain, anger, etc); aggravate.

As a letter x is

the twenty-fourth letter of the.

As a symbol x is

voiceless velar fricative.

Exacerbate vs Dampen - What's the difference?

exacerbate | dampen |

As verbs the difference between exacerbate and dampen

is that exacerbate is to make worse (pain, anger, etc); aggravate while dampen is to smoke, to give off smoke.
